Turkish citizens, as well as foreign citizens living in Turkey under any type of residence permits, have the right to grant residence permits to their families as well to the Spouse, Foreign Minor Children, or Foreign Minor Children of the Spouse.
If the sponsor resident (the sponsor) had more than one wife, family residence permit is granted to one wife only, and to all of his children even from other wives.
In the case of applying for residence permit for children under 18 years of age, the mutual consent of the father and the mother living abroad is mandatory.
Family residence permit allows underagedchildren to attend pre-university education until they turn 18, then they haveto apply for Student Residence Permit.
General Documents Required for Family Residence
(first application)
Documents Required
- From the Host (Turkish or Foreign):
- Original (and copy of) identify document (Turkish national ID, Residence Permit, Passport, etc.)
- Statement of sufficient income for the requested residence duration (salary statement or bank account statement)
- Health insurance for all family members covering the duration of their stay (children under 18 and elderly over 65 years of age are not required to submit health insurance)
- Criminal record (no conviction) issued by the administrative court or the e-government service (required if the sponsor is a Turkish citizen or a foreigner who has been living in Turkey for over 5 years, otherwise such document must be acquired from home country)
- “Proof of Address” document (ikametgah) must be submitted, you can obtain one after registering your address at the local Citizenship and Population Directorate (Nüfus) which services the area where you live (click here to learn more on ikametgah and how to get one)
- Family register
- Original (and copy of) identify document (Turkish national ID, Residence Permit, Passport, etc.)
- From the spouse for each child:
- The application form (signed by the applicant or their legal representative)
- The original passport (or travel document)
- A photocopy of the passport (or travel document): only the pages containing the applicant’s information + serial number of the passport (or travel document) + dates of issuing and expiry + visa and entry stamp
- Tax Number, you may get one for free at any tax office
- 4 colored personal photographs against white backdrop, not older than 6 months
- Photocopy of the marriage contract or family register (if the document is in a foreign language, it must be sworn-translated and notarized)
- The application form (signed by the applicant or their legal representative)
- The sponsor must attend the interview with the family members (the applicants)
- Every family member must get a tax number, even babies
- What constitutes a sufficient income according to the regulations of 2019 is: for a family of 3, the sponsor must prove he/she has income or assets equal to the minimum wage (2020 TL, the monthly minimum wage for a family of 3 or less). If the family has more than 3 members (including the sponsor), minimum wage must not be less than 673 TL for each person: for example, a family of 5 need to prove minimum wage of 3366 TL: (2020 TL for 3 members) + (673 TL x 2 = 1346 TL for the additional 2 members)
Steps of Applying for Family Residence Permit (first application)
- Obtain all required documents and make sure every single document is ready (except for the application form and fees receipt)
- Fill-in the application form on the website of General Directorate of Migration, under “First Application” section
- The website will reserve an interview appointment at the earliest available date and time (keep this information, it is vitally important)
- Print out the application form (the website will save it for you as a PDF file), you can print this file
- Arrange all the documents together
- Make sure all required documents are complete, nothing is missing, and that the applicant has indeed signed the application form
- Put all documents in one envelop to submit them in full at the interview (if the applicants are a family, a separate envelop must be prepared for each family member)
- You may request a translator during the interview, it’s for free
- After the employee accepts your documents, you are required to pay the fees at the Cash Desk (at the same building), upon making the payment the cashier will give you a receipt, you should take it back to the first employee who will then give you a Proof of Application document to legalize your stay in the country while your papers are being processed
- Make sure to reserve the interview appointment before your visa expires
- Your passport (or travel document) must has at least 6 months of validity remaining
- All steps must be repeated for each family member, each one will get their own interview appointment
- The interview appointment issued by the General Directorate of Migration is personal pertaining only to the applicant, the date of the appointment is highly important
- A minor applicant must be escorted by parents or custodian
- Payment of fees can only be made in cash with local currency (bank transfers and credit/debit card payments are not accepted), thus make sure you bring enough cash to pay for applications of each family member (click here to know how much you must pay according to your nationality)
- Make sure you get the Proof of Application document stamped by the directorate before you leave
- The residence permit card will be issued and mailed to the provided address by registered mail (PTT) within 30 to 90 days at most after receiving the documents, and it will be valid for a year, 2 years, or 3 years (based on what was stated in the application)
- If the passport (or travel document) is valid for less than the stated period, the permit will be issued for the expiry date of the passport (or travel document) minus 60 days
- If documents are not complete the employee will information immediately, or if the General Directorate of Migration requests additional documents after your application has been submitted the applicant will be notified by an SMS; in both cases the applicant is given 30 days to submit the requested documents
General Documents Required for Family Residence (first application)
Documents Required
- 3-From the Host (Turkish or Foreign):
- Original (and copy of) identify document (Turkish national ID, Residence Permit, Passport, etc.)
- Statement of sufficient income for the requested residence duration (salary statement or bank account statement)
- Health insurance for all family members covering the duration of their stay (children under 18 and elderly over 65 years of age are not required to submit a health insurance)
- Criminal record (no conviction) issued by the administrative court or the e-government service (required if the sponsor is a Turkish citizen or a foreigner who has been living in Turkey for over 5 years, otherwise such document must be acquired from home country)
- “Proof of Address” document (ikametgah) must be submitted, you can obtain one after registering your address at the local Citizenship and Population Directorate (Nüfus) which services the area where you live (click here to learn more on ikametgah and how to get one)
- Family register
- Original (and copy of) identify document (Turkish national ID, Residence Permit, Passport, etc.)
- 4-From the spouse for each child:
- The application form (signed by the applicant or their legal representative)
- The original passport (or travel document)
- A photocopy of the passport (or travel document): only the pages containing the applicant’s information + serial number of the passport (or travel document) + dates of issuing and expiry + visa and entry stamp
- Tax Number, you may get one for free at any tax office
- The application form (signed by the applicant or their legal representative)
- What constitutes a sufficient income according to the regulations of 2019 is: for a family of 3, the sponsor must prove he/she has income or assets equal to the minimum wage (2020 TL, the monthly minimum wage for a family of 3 or less). If the family has more than 3 members (including the sponsor), minimum wage must not be less than 673 TL for each person: for example, a family of 5 need to prove minimum wage of 3366 TL: (2020 TL for 3 members) + (673 TL x 2 = 1346 TL for the additional 2 members)
- Every family member must get a tax number, even babies
- The sponsor must attend the interview with the family members (the applicants)
Steps of Applying for Family Residence Permit
- 10-Obtain all required documents and make sure every single document is ready (except for the application form and fees receipt)تعبئة استمارة الطلب عبر موقع إدارة الهجرة على الإنترنت في قسم "المرة الأولى"
- 11-Fill-in the application form on the website of General Directorate of Migration, under “First Application” section
- 12-The website will reserve an interview appointment at the earliest available date and time (keep this information, it is vitally important)
- 13-Print out the application form (the website will save it for you as a PDF file), you can print this file
- 14-Arrange all the documents together
- 15-Make sure all required documents are complete, nothing is missing, and that the applicant has indeed signed the application form
- جمع كافة الوثائق ضمن مصنف واحد لتقديمها معاً في المقابلة (مصنف منفصل لكل فرد من العائلة) وإرسالها عن طريق البريد المسجل الحكومي PTT أو البريد السريع خلال مدة لا تتجاوز 5 أيام عمل (أيام العطل غير محسوبة). لن يتم قبول الطلبات المرسلة بالبريد العادي. لن يتم قبول الطلبات المرسلة بعد أكثر من 5 أيام من تاريخ الطلب
- لا يمكن تقديم طلب التمديد إلا قبل 60 يوم أو أقل من تاريخ انتهاء الإقامة الحالية
- إن تم تغيير أي من المعلومات المذكورة في المرة السابقة يقوم النظام بتحديد موعد مقابلة، وفي هذه الحال يتم تقديم الطلب بشكل مطابق لتقديم طلب أول مرة، في هذه المقابلة سيقوم الموظف بأخذ بطاقة الإقامة الحالية ووضعها ضمن مصنف الطلب
- لتفادي الملاحظة رقم 2، من الأفضل تحديث بياناتك فور تغيرها (جواز سفر جديد، سكن مختلف، إلخ)، لا تنتظر لحين وجوب تمديد الإقامة. يتم تحديث البيانات لدى إدارة الهجرة GÖÇ İdaresi أو فرعها القريب إليك.
- يتم اتباع كامل الخطوات السابقة وإعداد مصنف منفصل لكل فرد من أفراد العائلة
- في حال لم تكن الوثائق كاملة، أو في حال طلب إدارة الهجرة لوثائق إضافية، سيتم إعلام صاحب الطلب عبر رسالة نصية SMS ومنحه مدة 30 يوم لتقديم الوثائق الإضافية
- يتم إصدار بطاقة الإقامة وإرسالها إلى عنوان صاحب الطلب بالبريد الحكومي PTT خلال 30 إلى 60 يوم على الأكثر من تاريخ استلام الوثائق وتكون صالحة لمدة سنة واحدة أو سنتين (حسب المذكور في الطلب)
- في حال كان جواز السفر (أو وثيقة السفر) صالحاً لأقل من المدة المطلوبة، تكون صلاحية الإقامة هي صلاحية جواز السفر (أو وثيقة السفر) ناقص 60 يوم
هام للغاية
حالات الانتقال الإلزامي من الإقامة العائلية إلى الإقامة قصيرة الأجل
- في حالة الطلاق، إذا كان الشريك (الزوج أو الزوجة) للمستضيف مقيم بموجب إقامة عائلية لمدة ثلاث سنوات على الأقل (إذا ثبت أمام القضاء أن الشريك قد تعرض للعنف داخل الأسرة، فإنه في هذه الحالة لن يشترط تحقيق شرط الإقامة العائلية لمدة ثلاث سنوات)
- في حالة وفاة المستضيف الذي يدعم الأسرة، وكان باقي أفراد الأسرة يقيمون بموجب إقامة عائلية مرتبطة به
- الأفراد المقيمون بموجب إقامة عائلية لمدة ثلاث سنوات على الأقل وتجاوز عمرهم 18 سنة
في هذه الحالات يتوجب على المقيم بإقامة عائلية تقديم طلب انتقال إلى إقامة قصيرة الأجل.